Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Bless you all for prayers and contact

This is so not what I desired or expected. 

I found it rather amazing that I could even blast out a group email to all of you when the news was delivered by Dr. Pfister yesterday around 10:30 am. After the punkiness following Thursday's bone marrow aspiration (my 2nd in a year) - I mean, I am such a sensitive little flower and recovering from a needle in one's butt bone just takes time! - I had refound a jolt of mojo. "I don't think it's leukemia," I mused. "A week in the hospital at most, then I'm heading off to Moray, Scotland to spend some time with my precious friends Tony & Ali. Bring on wellness!" 

I knew the cut off point was 20% blasts. I wanted less than that. I won't be reporting or even obsessing about every nuance of the medical procedures. I knew I wanted a central place to say hey and receive more loving words from YOU all. Yes, I can get email here.... but I've been in less than 24 hours and there is no quiet or long lazy stretches of privacy. I am also attempting to teach the medical staff not to knock before they come in. I mean, come on. I'm in a freaking hospital already. I know you're coming in eventually! 

But I thought, "....14% blasts. Come on, body. Just be the MDS, we'll treat that, I'll perk up, and back into my life!"

It's around 40% blasts. Those are the bad leukemic cells. "But I feel fine!" I bleated to Dr. Pfister. "I could have acute leukemia right now and not know it," he said. "This is normal. But you don't have a choice. You need to be hospitalized immediately. You need to just get on this plane." 

"I'm an ex-pilot and this is not the plane I want to get onto," I told him. 

So I'm here. I tried to set up a Caring Bridge website but they frowned on my excessive size of photos for upload. And in a cranky moment I thought, "Screw you. I have a Google account and I'm using it." This isn't a touchy-feely Caring Bridge moan. But it's a place to keep you posted because once the chemo starts today, I'm guessing I might not be in the mood to babble on ad infinitum about it.

So here's where I am, and I would love cards. I adore cards. (I would adore walking out the back door but I am in vague agreement to this path for now). 

Alta Bates Summit Hospital
2 North/Oncology, Room 2368
350 Hawthorne Ave.
Oakland, Ca 94609
Their number: 510-655-4000

My cell phone number you should have. It's hard to accept calls when nurses 'n such are in the room, so I beg for way tons of lenience about that. Dear Bob left a singing blessing message on my voicemail, however. Oh how I savor such things!

I also have a Facebook page but so far ..... well, I'm there too. As you desire.....

A new sign on my door (Room 2368) says 'no flowers'. How rude. (But it doesn't say no chocolate, haha!). If I'm really going down for the count, and you like, go ahead and plant a flower or a little tree and send me some healing thoughts.

Thank you again for being my friends and praying for my wellness. 


Francie said...

Dear Blessed Diane:

You are in my thoughts and prayers - sending you light, love, strength, courage and faith as well as all things for your highest good. I am sending you prayers whenever I think of you, which is very often!

You are loved and adored, dearest Diane,

Love, Francie

Diane said...

Oh, sweetness YOU! Thank you, Francie. I'm now off to attempt some sleep. It's just too darn weird to consider as a new nighttime regimen begging with the night nurse to let me sleep in until 6 am. By and large they take my vital signs every four hours. I mean, sheesh already!

Whatta dance, huh?

Francie said...

Dearest Diane:

As I was drifting off to sleep last night, thinking of you and sending prayers, I felt so deeply connected, heart to heart. I was feeling and seeing your essence - the feistiness and intelligence blazed forth in a brilliant flash of light. As the light shot forth I saw your heart crack open and this totally radiant being stepped forth. Diane, I saw YOU as a RADIANT BEING and tears leaked out of my eyes. You are so unbelievably special. What a gift to know you. I love you so very much, dearest Diane.


Anonymous said...

Well, not not expected news at all. Totally suckie. And most certainly not the right message when my head is still in your summer journal with you sashaying around the country rather than being confined within the Alta Bates Hall of Needle Science and Invasive Beepy Things.

Well, Carol and I can promise industrial strength prayer and visualization. And ecards. Finally, if you're up to it, she or we'll probably be over about midway in your stay.

(Scarier than Halloween, I know. Gird your loins!)
