Thursday, February 19, 2009

hatching up something

I'm sitting and nesting on Something Really Cool right now - blogville will resume after the urge to squawk and flap around overtakes me. To quote Julian of Norwich, All shall be well. All shall be very well. 

Which when ya have a stinky-assed blood cancer even in remission, is really nice!


Dakotah Sue said...

curious ... and waiting with baited breath. (what does that really mean anyway??) Hope all is well with you.

Lorri said...

Hi, Diane.

I perhaps understand why you are taking time hatching up something. You've already written in depth about the two types of chemo that you've had to endure to this point. Maybe you can simply let us know when you're in the hospital again and whether that will be in San Francisco. We then can pray accordingly (which prayers are already ongoing) and look forward to when you are out of the hospital. I'm praying that the Lord provides a good match for your bone marrow so you can be all better and not have to go back into any hospital for a long, long time.

