Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Ruthie's good luck horseshoe

My friend Ruthie and I took a lovely 5-mile walk through the Altyre Estate about two weeks ago, my concept of time flying just to write that. Where have the weeks gone? Ah. To be written, shared, uploaded and offered as I continue to wrap my little haid around 'em all. 

On our walk, Ruth spied a horseshoe. "Look!" she said. I looked. "And it's facing the right way!" she added. I furrowed my brow. "When it's open in the direction in which you're walking, that's good luck." She picked it up, carried it all the rest of the way and gave it to me at the end. "But it's your horseshoe!" I protested. "It's yours, honey pie. For good luck." 

That was a week prior to The (3rd) Big Trip to Aberdeen to meet with Dr. Culligan, the head heem guy I'd thought I'd have met up with the prior two visits. And ... well? I continue to incubate and will write when I feel I can take a jumble of thoughts 'n feelings and bear reasonable witness to my life. In the meantime, I offer a significant morsel.... Ruthie's good luck horseshoe. 

A new blog is waiting in the wings, waiting for her turn, at the very least, waiting until I feel like signing off here and pointing you in that direction there. I'm tired of the gauntlet mindset. Hell, life's a gauntlet, period.... and a grace.... and a long walk in the woods finding pine cones for the fire and a horseshoe for my window sill.

On a river stone in the centre is a medallion of St. Cecilia, the patron saint of musicians. My former (gakk! I hate writing the word former!) choir director Michael gave it to us all one final Sunday in May before the summer break. When I asked him how this saint works with us, he said, "She helps you to sing better." God bless you, Michael. I've already ruffled the friendly feathers of my new Church choir by being asked to switch gears and act as a new Crucifer during the 10 am service. "Really, I'm not meaning to abandon you!" One smirked in mock offence, "We're not speaking to you...." I does what I can, including making mistakes and living in spite of them.

Luck and Grace..... my lessons of receiving and discernment continue.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lucky horseshoe indeed! I don't believe in coincidences.
F & W, too.