Thursday, May 7, 2009

a tear in the fabric and time to regroup

When I was a little kid in the 1960's, my younger brother David and I watched a TV show featuring Engineer Bill. Somewhere seared in my memory is his "red light - green light" game, a cool con to get munchkins to down their glasses of milk. (Remember drinking glasses of milk?).

Red light - green light!

Sometimes that's how I feel with this AML. On, off, up, down, yes, no! - and then the speed picks up between breaths. All I will write for now, as there is much to let settle into my bones (so to speak) is that today's news was not good. It wasn't gut-wrenchingly horrible, but it wasn't good. Thank GOD for the prayers and support of my friends. Thank God I don't have to figure out next steps all by myself. Tony and Ali and I took all day to get to Aberdeen and back by train, wait a really really long time at the hospital, and spent a great deal of time speaking with the doc.

It's not seamless. And I still need your prayers. 


Susan said...

Our Prayers and Hearts are with You. I hold Your hands and send You Love and Comfort, & the Kitties send their Peaceful Beingness.

Sending You Much Love,

Susan & Klaus

Felicia said...

One of my Guides said to me today, "Know nothing, understand everything. Have nothing and all is yours."

You always have our very best wishes, thoughts and prayers regardless of the state of your health. We love you.

Suzanne said...

Sending you prayers, supporting thoughts and lots and lots of love.


Diane said...

Thank you all so much. My heart feels more held. LOVE, you-know-whoooooooooo