Monday, March 2, 2009

22 years sober today!

I'm flapping out of my hermit henhouse long enough to jump up and down and squawk that I am grateful INDEED to God and the company of (those) fellow path walkers to celebrate 22 years of continuous sobriety today. One of the Traditions of my secret club suggests strongly that I not mention its name, but y'all know whose doors and rooms have welcomed me since early March of 1987.

I am SO darn grateful. 

The cake visual and sumptuous yum was from my 2008 July birthday (the belly button kind) with Susan & Klaus in Georgia. Can you believe I took a 2-month, 8000-mile (nearly) road trip and then 60 days later was hospitalized with leukemia? What timing, eh?

As for "the other disease," I'm still hatching up a Plan and praying my way through it. There is as well not a small amount of physical doingness involved. I should have Something to say in a few weeks. I shall plagiarize Tom Robbins and cackle, 'ha ha, ho ho and hee hee!'. 


Anonymous said...

Glory, be!! So good to see another post and to celebrate your continued sobriety .... CB

Dakotah Sue said...

gled to hear from you again.
sorry i missed your b'day - but then, i'm good at missing b'days. being born jan 1st, one seldom gets much of a celebration, so i guess as i grew up believing b'days were little else but just another day. i'm working on it though. happt belated .....

Diane said...

Yes - this is a significant milestone. The gift of my sobriety is not to be hush-hushed away. Now as to the Other Plans, well.... stand by .... <:-)

Anonymous said...

Wow, what a great milestone to celebrate! Congratulations!

I'm really glad to see a post, too. I was getting incredibly curious and about to write to you to poke you with a stick (in a friendly way) and see what you were up to. I will continue to try and be patient...


PS Hey, Dakotah Sue, I'm a New Year's baby, too!

Diane said...

I'm not yet giving details about my plans because I don't have a spare lick o' time in which to respond to the expected comments..... and may not for quite some time, anyways! Stay tuned. It's good news for now and it keeps me very busy. Lenten Discipline includes breathing through it all.

Dakotah Sue said...

I forgot to congratulate you for your 22 years of caring about yourself!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Re your Robbins comment

Didn't that continue :

To the funny farm, where life is beauiful all the time ?

Hope you're not there - but wouldn't be surpised !

Luv and kisses

Pilot Mike !

Anonymous said...

I have no idea how I stumbled on to your blog...but I am ever so grateful... for your "wisely courageous" attitude, your willingness to share yourself and inspire (me) with your sense of gratitude. Congratulations on 22 years of sobriery as well! I pray for abundantly good days, clarity, and an incredilble sense of the presence of God in your life...that with every breath you are breathing Him in to the very center of your being.
Please keep writing!

Diane said...

Steve, thank you - more shall be revealed in the coming weeks. Bless you for your affirming blessing!

Anonymous said...

It's been remiss of me but I always forget birthdays. Glad to see you're still blogging away. This is the first time I've blogged. At my age I.T. is still catching up with me, however, I can still loop the loop and barrel roll around. It's been a long time since we did it together in a tiger though. Guess who?

Diane said...

There goes what's left of MY reputation with not all knowing that "a tiger" is a WWII-era biplane roaring out of Shempston in Moray. Nice try! Initials would help, my aviating friend.