Thursday, April 30, 2009

lucky me

This is my good luck sign, courtesy of a precious friend who shall remain anonymous for now but who had the gracious manners to proclaim me as a wordy genius. Clearly it is a burden to be so gifted in a land where the authorities don't necessarily honor repeat winners of the local Crossword Puzzle contest. Later today this friend and I shall amble into the offices of the Forres Gazette and claim MY (sic) winning voucher. Everyone in the area knows who is the real winner. I think we'll be trying to discern any eye twinkles in the office today - do they know, too? Our £15 meat voucher will go towards a giggling social evening where we'll all sup in luxury while enjoying a double feature DVD with Wall-E as the star billing. 

One of the renewed joys of my BEING here is joining again with beloved friends who have time to open the front door and put on the kettle. Don't get me wrong; we're all busy and we all work, whether for tuppence or for life (such as myself). In my healing path, I've stopped racing around like an adrenaline-crazed looney. 

Today I have less to prove and more to thank God for. 


Felicia said...

Excellent plan- running around constantly amped on adrenaline is about half of what's wrong with the world these days on every level. And butter is health food. Yum.

Lucca ... said...

I can imagine you all eating to your hearts content and I join you in spirit. Bon apetit!

Susan said...

Winning a prize, watching Wall-E, and time for tea & friends: Treasures indeed!

Can you feel Nova PURRRRRRRRRING at you?

Diane said...

I can HEAR Nova purring while I watch Haiche and Hattie take turns stealing my chair.... :-)