Saturday, January 3, 2009

Deeply grateful heart with tied hands

Bless you and thank you all from my deepest heart of hearts! I am awash in loving energies and prayers, so many emails, still unopened cards, sweet little packages..... so much so that I cannot respond to each and every one. I pray that your own gentle intuition will acknowledge my awkward yet thrilled return to some "freedom" while I cannot engage as intimately/personally as I would like..... 

And now that those neutrophils leapt over their minimum, I ask your prayers that I have courage, focus and patience to deal with a mountain of insurance-related admin. I am overwhelmed and daunted, and this is with a dear & cherished friend assisting me as an Advocate. I am freed from the confines of the hospital for frankly I don't know how long ....but it won't be long enough.... unless I breathe today. 

Again.... THANK YOU so much! Please forgive my sheer inability to respond one-to-one much of the time. I send a loving heartful wave of thanks to everyone who reaches in in all the ways that you do. I hope you can feel this within your hearts and spirits. 


HyperQ Space said...

be as well as you can be and know you are loved a cherished each moment... sending "metta" to you each weds. at the end of sangha.... yours in peace and hope... Randall Salem, Oregon

Diane said...

Thank you & bless you, my dear