Thursday, January 8, 2009

False impressions = back to square one

It all sounded so good and reasonable.... until now in the 11th hour there are clear insurance company pre-authorization designations between an "auto" (autologous) versus an "allo" (allogeneic) bone marrow transplant. Briefly, "auto" is from your OWN marrow cells harvested pre-chemo; logically, "allo" is not - whether a sibling, parent, cousin or unrelated donor, it's from an Other. 

And I am learning only now that few insurance companies like to cover that. Evidently it is considered experimental. Hell, and I thought "dangerous" was bad enough!

So I'll put off my remote beach grape peeling fantasies for now, as I leap back into the fray to find someone who will respond with clarity and direction. 

Thanks to Susan C. who I didn't ask before using one of her photographic images from an Italy trip in 2005.....!


Dakotah Sue said...

This was taken in a church in Italy. It was a fix for a cracked collum segment. (Look for the crack.) So simple, so artistic - ya just have to love those Italians. Also - I enjoy the impression of strength I get from this. I'm flattered you wanted to share it.
L & B,

Lorri said...

Oh, Diane, my heart goes out to you as you navigate the insurance maze. Blue Shield of California has been quite good to me for a few years now, but I wonder about what would happen if I needed an "experimental" treatment of any kind. I pray you find a good helper to expose insurance-speak clarity very soon.

