Friday, January 2, 2009


Well THANKS BE TO GOD! I am going home today!!!

I will need a few adjustments, such as one platelet transfusion and a poke with the Neupogen before I'm out, but my angel neighbor Astrid will be picking me up mid-day. Putting away all the blessed cards and gifts will be joyous.... and there are some cards which arrived in the past few days awaiting opening once I'm home. I think I held off because I didn't want to "decorate" my room with one more example of loving support....I didn't want to anchor in a sense of 'at home' here in Room 4200.... I wanted to giddy-up corral it to my tiny Hobbit cabin off of Cedar St. here in Berkeley.

I'm going home today! Thanks be to God! And Dr. L. who said it was okay. 


Lorri said...

HOORAY! I'm so glad you get to go home!

I love your description of your "little hobbit cabin". It makes me wonder if the small house has a round door.

Grinning and wildly delighted for you,


Anonymous said...

Whoo-raah and yippi-kai-yai-yaeh!! A good beginning for 2009 and I'm praying this year brings you an angel-donor for the 'good-for-the-rest-of-your-life' cure. I am also praying for Lucinda, my sister-in-law, who needs a heart transplant donor - not an easy thing to pray for. Be joyous in your own space, with your head on your own pillow tonight. In everything - give thanks and remember that you are not alone.
L & B,

Diane said...

Serious love and smooches to you two.... I am glad to be home. And tired. It's been quite a day and it ain't over yet...... but thank GOD I'm not there right now.

Anonymous said...

Free at last! Curious to visit your little hobbit house. I live in a 600sq ft cottage in the middle of a backyard garden which is frequently visited by elfs.

Diane said...

Trade you any elves and garden devas for our raccoons, skunks and squirrels! There are singing birds, too.... and the kitties that wander through.... but the stinkers are flat out NIMBY.....if only they would just head over to Albany or Oakland.....

Anonymous said...

Yay!!! What a great way to start the New Year! We're both thrilled for you!


F & W.